Concentration Area

Area 1 - Health Psychology

The Graduate Program in Health Psychology (PPGPS) of Multidisciplinary Health Instituteof UFBA, at the professional Master's level, is structured in the area of concentration in health psychology, which combines the contributions of psychology as science to area of Health, with centrality in public policies.

According to the American Psychology Association, Health Psychology aims to understand how biological, behavioral and social factors influence the health-disease process. Complexifying this definition, it can be affirmed that the psychology of health is delineating from the various contributions that psychology, as science and profession, offers to the promotion of health, prevention and treatment of diseases, as well as to the development and Improvement of the sanitary system. Differently from hospital psychology, therefore, health psychology is presented as a area of activity and research in different health care levels (primary, secondary and tertiary). Moreover, it combines the realization of researches of various natures (both quantitative and qualitative) and psychological approaches (such as neurosciences, clinical psychology, social-Community psychology, etc.).

Thus, the choice for health psychology as a concentration area is still justified by the necessary proposition of formative courses at graduate level that meet the growing demand for professional qualification focused on the sanitary reality Brazilian.

