
The Professional Master's program in Health Psychology was authorized by Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), on October 05, 2018. The collegiate was established on 07 November 2018, with the following members: Andréa Batista de Andrade Castelo Branco, Lívia Botelho Félix and Paulo Coelho Castelo Branco; Administrative Technical representative: Fernanda David Vieira, nominated by the category of administrative technicians; Alternate members: Carmen Virginia Moraes da Silva, Monalisa Nascimento dos Santos Barros and Patrícia Martins de Freitas. With the cave at that the student representation would be a future indication. Currently, the programis in the implementation phase on the fourth floor of the Administrative pavilion of IMS/UFBA/CAT, with the prediction of beginning of activities in August 2019.

The creation of the Professional Master's program in Health Psychology emerged from the interest and motivation of the professors of the psychology course of IMS/CAT/UFBA. Psychologyis a science in Franco development in municipality of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, which presents a fruitful professional psimarket, in several areas of activity. In particular, in the area of health, psychology has found spaces for research, extension, training, action and intervention in various health devices and psychosocial care. There is, therefore, a complexity of professional networks and performances that require the promotion of training of psychologists with a high technical-scientific qualification and experiences that meet local, regional and national needs, in order to produce research and interventions in development of solutions to health-related problems.

It is understood that the implementation of the professional Master's program in health psychology contributes to overcoming the historical social delays and the scarcity of graduate studies in the Northeast region, enabling the formation of researchers and the qualification Professional managers and health professionals, especially linked to the unified health system. In fact, the professional Master's degree in health psychology is the only professional master of Psychology of the state of Bahia and the only one focused specifically on health psychology. In addition, it is the second graduate Program (MSC) Stricto-Sensu in psychology of the state of Bahia. These data highlight its importance in the training of researchers and in the professional qualification directed to the consolidation of the SUS, generating scientific, social and institutional contributions.

It is therefore considered that the master's degree to be offered by the IMS may contribute to regional, state and national vocational training, based on the qualification of the research, teaching, management, assistance, among others. Moreover, the course has the purpose of developing projects and research lines that are attractive, also, to professionals and scholars from different regions and areas of activity, in order to contribute to the exchange of knowledge and practices.

The Professional Master's degree in Health Psychology is part of the Multidisciplinary Institute in Health, Campus Anísio Teixeira, of Federal Universityof Bahia, located in municipality of Vitoria da Conquista, Bahia, 519 km from Salvador. The Campus Anísio Teixeira is part of the project of internalization of UFBA, aiming to broaden and capilarize the offer of vacancies in publichigher education, promote the social inclusion of segments excluded from higher education, In addition to expanding graduate education for dispersed territories, fostered innovation and locoregional research. The Campus Anísio Teixeira was created on July 18, 2005, for the effect of resolution No. 2, of 2005, of the University Council of UFBA, being regulated by Ordinance N ° 813 of the Ministry of Education, published in the DOU N ° 165, of August 27, 2007, and had the academic activities initiated onOctober 23, 2006.
