
General Objectives

The graduate program in Health Psychology of IMS/UFBA has as general objective to qualify professionals of psychology and related areas with emphasis on practices in health psychology, to develop researches and work in environments Institutional and territorial, elaborating knowledge and interventions articulated to society, family, health services and other sectors.

Specific Objectives:

  • Identify new demands and health needs in the individual and collective spheres, contributing to their understanding and transformation based on the knowledge applied to health psychology.

  • Implement proposals for evaluation programs and promotion of health actions to contribute to the development of the unified health care system and the reforms in area of mental health.

  • Develop educational policies and practices for health promotion and professional training to work in new health care spaces.
  • Offer theoretical-technical subsidies aimed at working in various health devices, especially in open territorial services, through the use of care technologies consonants to new model sofcare.
  • Develop skills to identify and integrate possible interdisciplinary contributions in theoretical studies and professional practice.
  • Provide didactic-pedagogical experiences that support the teaching and professional practice in the area of health psychology.
  • Reduce the deficit of graduation courses in psychology in the state of Bahia, especially in the stricto sensu and professional masters modalities.
  • Evaluate, implementand improve health programs and services.

