Research Line

Research Line 1 - Clinical Practices and Mental Health

It aims to study the health-disease process in light of several models of clinical interventions in psychology, enabling the development of intervention projects in health services. It problematizes the conceptions and practices of mental health care in its paradigmatic, ethical, socio-historical, political-economic and cultural aspects. It encompasses research and interventions pertinent to the formation and performance in the context of the SUS and in the perspective of the enlarged clinic.


  • Andréa Batista de Andrade Castelo Branco
  • Emanuel Meireles Vieira
  • Lívia Botelho Félix
  • Milena Maria Sarti
  • Nilia Maria de Brito Lima Prado
  • Paulo Coelho Castelo Branco
  • Paulo Rogers da Silva Ferreira
  • Suely Aires Pontes
  • Raquel Souzas

Research Line 2 - Human Development and Educational Practices in Health

It aims to study human development and its relations with the health of individuals in the different phases of the lifecycle, in the environmental, family, institutional and community context, in order to developand implement technologies and innovations with in the SUS. It encompasses research and interventions in areas of psychological assessment, developmental neuropsychology, educational practices and health promotion


  • Carmem Virginia Moraes da Silva
  • Danielle Souto de Medeiros
  • Edi Cristina Manfroi
  • Gabriela Andrade da Silva
  • Monalisa Nascimento dos Santos Barros
  • Patrícia Martins de Freitas